Monday, December 14, 2009

What's for lunch today? 15 December 2009

Or as the French would say " Qu'est-ce que pour déjeuner, aujourd'hui?"...Well, I am feeling abit adventurous today, so, when the office clock strikes 11.45am, I haul my ever-expanding *ss over to Pavilion's Food Republic. After much deliberating (all 2 minutes of it), I decided on the Sweet and Sour Chicken Rice set meal from Little Wok.  The meal comes with soup and a fried egg, all for a wallet-friendly price of RM 8.50. 

It taste as bland as it look...The sweet part is suitably sweet, while the sour part is suitably sour too. But really, a totally unremarkable meal no matter how you look at it. But, hey, at least the egg taste...errr..fresh?
I also savour a cup of tea, which is unusual for me, as I'm a coffee person (Go Go Starbucks!!!) but hey, while I'm feeling adventurous, at least try something different right?

Oh I also had a box of mixed fruit from the nearby Gelato supermarket and then bought myself a capuccino jelly dessert from the Q Jelly Bakery Shop ( The capuccino part tastes capuccino-ny, and its roughly the size of a swollen rambutan.

For a RM 5 dessert, it ain't bad at all....
And that, people, conclude my exciting lunch adventure for today. Until next time, have some goodeatings everybody! (Yeah, by 'everybody' I mean all two of you..)

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